Why do I write papers like this?
Too often I wonder myself and anyone who has been involved in the sport of show dogs for a while will know exactly what I mean by that statement.
I write and lecture primarily for people who are new to the breed or those that are experienced but still have a desire to learn. I don't write for those who believe they already know it all or those who can't accept that they don't know it all. It is about education of people who have an interest in the German Shepherd Dog and through that education contributing to the breeds well being and sound development.
I simply ask that readers regardless of experience consider the opinions and explanations that are contained within the articles that I write. Try as best you can to avoid construing what is said in a personal, self interested or emotive way, read what I say or opinionate on with an open mind, and after doing so regardless of whether you agree or disagree with what has been stated I hope that you feel the time spent in reading it was interesting, entertaining, challenging, hopefully educational, but above all else thought provoking.
Above all else make your own observations of dogs, think with your own mind and do your own research before you accept anything I or anyone else might say is a fact.
I would like to think that as a breed authority in my own very small way and within my own limited sphere of influence to the best of my ability I am respecting Captain Max von Stephanitz statement:
''Take this trouble for me. Make sure my Shepherd Dog remains a working dog for I have struggled all my life long for that aim''
Louis Donald